To be completely honest, I have next to zero experience with alcohol, especially wine, so this blog should provide a good example between now and May of how much my knowledge of wine (and alcohol in general I suppose) has grown. Although it has been about a year since I could legally purchase alcohol, I can easily count the number of drinks I've had. Unlike most people my age, I never saw the appeal in drinking and still hold that opinion. Sure it's fun to go get a pint with the guys every now and then, but as far as going downtown or to parties and getting hammered is concerned, I have no interest in participating. I'm honestly amazed at how everyone can afford it, but I digress.
In the limited tasting of alcohol that I have done, I prefer the drinks where the alcohol is almost impossible to taste. I credit Jim Beam for that preference as that was the first shot of alcohol I ever had. Bad idea. Beer has no appeal to me and mixed drinks can be hit or miss, but I am slightly fond of a good cider. As far as wine is concerned, I have very little experience so this course should help take care of that.
While I'm not an avid consumer of alcohol, I am rather interested in this class. Since the majority of the world does consume alcohol, and wine is particularly popular the world over, I would like to learn enough by the end of this course to have a basic understanding of different wines, how they are made, why there are so many of them, and, most importantly, how to pair them with different meals. I don't expect to be a connoisseur of wine, but a I believe a general knowledge of wine and wine culture could prove to be useful in the future.
TL:DR, I don't drink a lot but I wouldn't mind learning about wine.